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Confidential Marriage Help

We know that every marriage goes through difficult times. We want to build a culture where it is normal and ok to seek help before it is too late. Members of our staff are here to bring care and hope to whatever circumstance your marriage might be going through. If your marriage is in a difficult situation, and you want prayer and direction, please set up a confidential meeting with one of our staff members. We are not professional counselors, though we can point you to one if needed.

WinShape Marriage Retreats

As a Christ-centered ministry, the sole basis of our beliefs is the Bible, which is core to everything we do. WinShape Marriage creates experiences that help husbands and wives grow closer to each other and to the Lord. Whether you’re feeling disconnected or fully present, our goal is to bring you and your spouse a renewed sense of connection. Refresh and reconnect from the moment you arrive and enjoy intentional time to focus on each other. By combining Bible-based teachings with unforgettable experiences, we want you to embrace the journey of marriage.

Before You Split

If you’ve ever wanted to say, “I can’t do this anymore!” out of frustration with your marriage, you’re definitely not alone. In this practical and insightful guide, Toni Nieuwhof shows that even if you feel disconnected or stuck in your troubled marriage—and worry about its impact on your kids—there is a way forward.

Even if it feels like it’s over, it’s not too late. Change takes place one step at a time. Before You Split will help you make choices with your eyes wide open.

This Momentary Marriage

Reflecting on forty years of marriage, John Piper exalts the biblical meaning of marriage over its emotion, exhorting couples to keep their covenant as a display of Christ’s covenant-keeping love for the church.