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Day 16: November 29, 2021

Read: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9

Respond: I come to You today, Lord, confessing my need for You and Your forgiveness. You are holy, righteous, and perfect. You operate with all-wisdom and knowledge and understanding. I don’t have full knowledge, nor do I have the power to forgive my own sins, but I am grateful that You forgive. I am  forever, thankful for the sacrifice Jesus made on my behalf so that I might be holy, blameless, and righteous in Your sight. I do not take this gift of grace for granted. In Your faithfulness and justice, You forgive and cleanse. I praise You this day, Lord, for Your cleansing power.

Read: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Respond: I trust You, Lord. You are trustworthy and true. You are not capable of anything false or phony. Your understanding is infinite, mine is finite so when I try to make decisions or choices, I am flawed. But You, Oh Lord, give me wisdom and understanding. As I acknowledge You, I am led by Your Spirit. I thank You that You lead me on straight and level paths, that You are not a mystery in so far as the way I can approach You and hear from You. At times I confess I don’t always know what You are telling me, but I praise You that even in those times, I am safe and secure as I yield to Your loving, sovereign authority over my life. I can rest in the fact that even when I don’t know what to do or even when I don’t  understand where You are leading, I can rely on You, Your faithfulness is a shield and a buckler.

Read: Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. – Psalm 37:5

Respond: I Praise You, my God and King! For You alone are worthy to receive glory and honor. You are working behind the scenes, orchestrating the details of my life. I commit my way to You, Lord, this day.  With gratitude in my heart, I trust You to act on my behalf.

Tell the Lord You trust Him to act in the areas of Your life in which you are struggling today.


Further Scripture Reading Today: Proverbs 3, Psalm 37, 1 John 1:5-10
Prayer Focus: Father, may we be known for visible good deeds and works of love to others.


Devotions inspired by Ruth Myers, 31 Days of Praise; Meyers, Ruth. 31 Days of Praise. Sister, OR: Multnomah Publishers, Inc. 1997
© Warren Baptist Church, 2020. Dr. David H. McKinley, Pastor-teacher. Jacqueline C. Heider, Writer. Used with permission.