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Day 13: November 26, 2021

Read: I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. – Philippians 1:3

Respond: Thank You, Lord, for the people who are a blessing to me. I thank You for my family, friends, and  neighbors. I thank You for brothers and sisters in Christ, for colleagues and leaders, for pastors and teachers. I thank You for doctors and nurses, first responders, and government officials. Thank You for the many ways You use these people to meet my needs, brighten my path, and lighten my load. Thank You for bringing people into my life who steer me to know You more, who teach me of Your goodness, who show me what grace looks like every day.

I thank You especially for:

Read: There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. We love because he first loved us. – 1 John 4:18-19

Respond: Your perfect love compels me to love others, forgive others, see the best in others. Thank You for  teaching me to give grace, show mercy, and scatter goodness all around me. I praise You for teaching me to think the best of others before assuming the worst. There is no fear in love, and I am grateful that You perfect Your love in me. Thank You for loving me first so that I could love You.

Remember to love today as Christ loved You and gave Himself totally for You as a sacrifice for the glory  of the Father.


Further Scripture Reading Today: Matthew 22:36-40, Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 John 4:7-21
Prayer Focus: Father, bring healing to fractured families and peace to divided families. We pray for prodigal children that have wandered into the far country, that you would bring them home.


Devotions inspired by Ruth Myers, 31 Days of Praise; Meyers, Ruth. 31 Days of Praise. Sister, OR: Multnomah Publishers, Inc. 1997
© Warren Baptist Church, 2020. Dr. David H. McKinley, Pastor-teacher. Jacqueline C. Heider, Writer. Used with permission.